Author: Trevor Misfeldt

Getting Started with NMath

We are often asked how to get started with using NMath. This has gotten much simpler over the years. Here's the quickest way to get going... Install Visual Studio Code. Create a folder.Run VS Code then open the folder with File|Open Folder....View|Terminal to bring up a command-line.In the terminal window, type dotnet new console to create a new project. You'll see it creates a .csproj file an...
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NMath and X86

NMath customers are overwhelmingly developing with 64-bit packages, therefore CenterSpace has decided to drop support for 32-bit operating systems with the release of NMath 7.2. However, we will continue to support x86 versions of NMath for the foreseeable future and their packages will continue to be available from nuget. Release of NMath 7.2 NMath version 7.2 has been released and includ...
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NMath 7.0 & the .NET Standard Library

In December, CenterSpace Software rolled out a major new release of NMath, version 7.0, built on the .NET Standard Library 2.0. The focus of this release has been to support the .NET Standard library, to further improve the ease of use of the NMath library, and to unify all CenterSpace libraries into one. CenterSpace now offers one unified, powerful, math library: NMath 7.0. This version requi...
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Evolutionary Robotics: a follow-up

This is a follow-up to an earlier customer story. Several years ago, CenterSpace kindly lent us its .NET mathematical library, NMath, for purely academic research purposes in the area of evolutionary robotics and robot navigation. The global robot localization task in a known environment was solved using 2D Laser SickPLS100 and point-to-point metrics. Navigation algorithms use powerful metahe...
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