21.2 Creating Ordinary Least Squares Objects (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)
NMath provides ordinary least squares classes for four datatypes: single- and double-precision floating point numbers, and single- and double-precision complex numbers. The classnames are shown in Table 18.
Least Squares Method |
Classes |
Cholesky |
QR Decomposition |
Instances of the least squares classes are constructed from general matrices of the appropriate datatype. For example, this code creates a FloatCholeskyLeastSq from a FloatMatrix:
Code Example – C# least squares
FloatMatrix A = new FloatMatrix( "4x2[ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]" );
FloatCholeskyLeastSq lsq = new FloatCholeskyLeastSq( A );
Code Example – VB least squares
Dim A As New FloatMatrix("4x2[ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]")
Dim LSQ As New FloatCholeskyLeastSq(A)
QR and SVD least squares classes also provide constructor overloads that accept a tolerance value. The specified tolerance is used in computing the numerical rank of the matrix. For example, if is the QR factorization of a matrix A, then elements on the main diagonal of R are considered to be zero if their absolute value is less than or equal to the tolerance. Similarly, in singular value decomposition, all singular values of the matrix A less than the tolerance are set to zero. Thus, this code sets all singular values less than 10-13 to zero:
Code Example – C# least squares
DoubleMatrix A = new DoubleMatrix( "4x2[ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]" );
DoubleSVDLeastSq lsq = new DoubleSVDLeastSq( A, 1e-13 );
Code Example – VB least squares
Dim A As New DoubleMatrix( "4x2[1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]" )
Dim LSQ As New DoubleSVDLeastSq( A, "1e-13" )