8.3 Using Least Squares Solutions (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)
Once constructed, an NMath least squares class provides read-only properties to access the least squares solution to the linear system Ax = y:
● X gets the least squares solution.
● Yhat gets the predicted value yHat = Ax, where x is the calculated solution.
● Residuals gets the vector of residuals r where ri = yi - yHati.
● ResidualSumOfSquares gets the residual sum of squares (y0 - yHat0)2 + (y1 - yHat1)2 + ... + (ym-1 - yHatm-1)2.
● Rank gets the effective rank of the matrix A.
● Tolerance gets the tolerance used to compute the effective rank of the matrix A.
For instance, this code calculates the slope and intercept of a linear least squares fit through five data points, then prints out the properties of the solution:
Code Example – C# least squares
var A = new DoubleMatrix( "5x1[20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0]" );
var y = new DoubleVector( "[.446 .601 .786 .928 .950]" );
var lsq = new DoubleLeastSquares( A, y, true );
Console.WriteLine( "Y-intercpt = {0}", lsq.X[0] );
Console.WriteLine( "Slope = {0}", lsq.X[1] );
Console.WriteLine( "Residuals = {0}", lsq.Residuals );
Console.WriteLine( "Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) = {0}",
lsq.ResidualSumOfSquares );
Code Example – VB least squares
Dim A As New DoubleMatrix("5x1[20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0]")
Dim Y As New DoubleVector("[.446 .601 .786 .928 .950]")
Dim LSQ As New DoubleLeastSquares(A, Y, True)
Console.WriteLine("Y-intercpt = {0}", LSQ.X(0))
Console.WriteLine("Slope = {0}", LSQ.X(1))
Console.WriteLine("Residuals = {0}", LSQ.Residuals)
Console.WriteLine("Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) = {0}",