5.3 Value Operations on Vectors (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)
The vector classes have the following read-only properties:
● Length gets the number of data elements in a vector.
● Stride gets the step between successive elements in the data block that a vector is viewing.
● DataBlock gets a reference to the data block that a vector is viewing.
For instance, if v is a DoubleComplexVector instance:
Code Example – C# vector
int length = v.Length;
int stride = v.Stride;
DoubleComplexDataBlock block = v.DataBlock;
Code Example – VB vector
Dim Length As Integer = V.Length
Dim Stride As Integer = V.Stride
Dim Block As DoubleComplexDataBlock = V.DataBlock
NOTE—As described in Section 4.1, use caution when accessing a data block referenced by a vector. Other objects may be viewing the same data.
Accessing and Modifying Vector Values
The vector classes provide standard indexing operators for getting and setting element values. Thus, v[i] always returns the ith element of vector v's view of the data.
NOTE—Indexing starts at 0.
You can also use the Set() member function to set the data elements of a vector to a specified value.
For example, this code changes the contents of v to alternate values of 0 and 1:
Code Example – C# vector
var v = new FloatVector(10, 0, 1);
var evenElements = new Range( 0, Position.End, 2 );
var oddElements = new Range( 1, Position.End, 2 );
v.Set( evenElements, 0 );
v.Set( oddElements, 1 );
Code Example – VB vector
Dim V As New FloatVector(10, 0, 1)
Dim EvenElements As New Range(0, Position.End, 2)
Dim OddElements As New Range(1, Position.End, 2)
V.Set(EvenElements, 0)
V.Set(OddElements, 1)
NOTE—Any method that returns a vector view of the data referenced by a vector can be used to modify the values of the original vector, since the returned vector and the original vector share the data.
Clearing and Resizing a Vector
The vector classes provide two methods for changing the length of a vector after it has been created:
● Clear()resetsthe value of all data elements to zero.
● Resize() changes the size of a vector to the specified length, adding zeros or truncating as necessary.
● ResizeAndClear() performs the same function as Resize(), but also resets the value of all remaining data elements to zero.
You can add new elements to the end of a vector using the Append() methods. Thus, this code adds a single element to the end of a vector:
Code Example – C# vector
var v = new FloatVector( 10, 0, 0.5F );
float x = 5.5F;
v.Append( x );
Code Example – VB vector
Dim V As New FloatVector(10, 0, 0.5F)
Dim X As Single = 5.5F
This code appends another vector to the end of a vector:
Code Example – C# vector
var v = new DoubleVector( 10, 0, 1 );
var w = new DoubleVector( 5, 11, 1 );
v.Append( w );
Code Example – VB vector
Dim V As New DoubleVector(10, 0, 1)
Dim W As New DoubleVector(5, 11, 1)
Note that a new vector is allocated by the Append() methods, and data is copied.