NMath User's Guide

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48.3 Predicted Values (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)

Once you've performed a PLS regression (Section 48.1), you can calculate the predicted value of the response variable for a given value of the predictor variable.

Code Example – C# partial least squares (PLS)

double plsYhat = pls.Predict(x);

Code Example – VB partial least squares (PLS)

Dim PLSYHat As Double = PLS.Predict(X)

or for a set of predictor values:

Code Example – C# partial least squares (PLS)

DoubleVector plsYhatVec = pls.Predict(A);

Code Example – VB partial least squares (PLS)

Dim PLSTYHatVec As DoubleVector = PLS.Predict(A)

