21.5 Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)
Iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) is an iterative minimization technique in which each step involves solving a standard weighted least squares (Section 21.4). New weights are computed at each iteration by applying a weighting function to the current residuals. The process terminates when either a specified convergence function returns true—typically when either the residuals or the solution are unchanged on successive iterations—or when a specified maximum number of iterations is reached.
NMath provides class DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq for solving IRLS problems. The default weighting function is a bisquare weighting function, and the default convergence function returns true when the solutions do not change, within tolerance, on successive iterations. For instance:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
var irls = new DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq();
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
Dim IRLS As New DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq()
Additional constructors enable you to specify the tolerance, the maximum number of iterations, and a weighting function (see below). Properties Tolerance, MaxIterations, and WeightsFunction are also provided for modifying these values post-construction.
The Solve() method solves the least squares problem for x using the IRLS method:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
DoubleVector x = irls.Solve( A, y );
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
Dim X As DoubleVector = IRLS.Solve(A, Y)
Property Residuals gets the residual vector from the most recent computation. Iterations gets the number of iterations performed. For instance:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
if ( irls.MaxIterationsMet ) {
"The algorithm failed to converge in {0} iterations.",
else {
"Algorithm converged in {0} iterations.", irls.Iterations );
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
If IRLS.MaxIterationsMet Then
"The algorithm failed to converge in {0} iterations.",
"Algorithm converged in {0} iterations.", IRLS.Iterations)
End If
The convergence function is called at the end of each iteration. If the function returns true, the algorithm is terminated; otherwise, iteration continues.
Convergence functions are specified as instances of delegate DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq.ToleranceMetFunction:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
public delegate bool ToleranceMetFunction(
double tolerance,
DoubleVector lastSolution,
DoubleVector currentSolution,
DoubleVector lastResiduals,
DoubleVector currentResiduals);
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
Delegate Function ToleranceMetFunction(
Tolerance As Double,
LastSolution As DoubleVector,
CurrentSolution As DoubleVector,
LastResiduals As DoubleVector,
CurrentResiduals As DoubleVector) As Boolean
For example, this code encapsulates the user-defined function MyFunction as a DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq.ToleranceMetFunction delegate:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
public static bool MyFunction(
double tolerance,
DoubleVector lastSolution,
DoubleVector currentSolution,
DoubleVector lastResiduals,
DoubleVector currentResiduals )
double a =
NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue( currentResiduals - lastResiduals );
double b = NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue( currentResiduals );
return ( a/b ) < tolerance;
public static
residualsUnchanged =
new DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq.ToleranceMetFunction(
MyFunction );
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
public Shared Function MyFunction( Tolerance As Double, ,
LastSolution As DoubleVector, CurrentSolution As DoubleVector,
LastResiduals As DoubleVector, CurrentResiduals As DoubleVector)
As Boolean
Dim A As Double =
NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue(CurrentResiduals - LastResiduals)
Dim B As Double = NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue(CurrentResiduals)
Return (A / B) < Tolerance
End Function
Property ConvergenceFunction can be used to get and set the convergence function on a DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq instance:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
irls.ConvergenceFunction = residualsUnchanged;
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
IRLS.ConvergenceFunction = ResidualsUnchanged
NMath provides a selection of least squares weighting functions. Typical weighting functions used in IRLS are a function of the adjusted residuals from the previous iteration. Abstract base class DoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction provides method AdjustedResiduals() for calculating the adjusted residuals according to the following formula:
● r' is the adjusted residuals.
● r is the actual residuals.
● t is a tuning constant by which the residuals are divided before computing weights. Decreasing the tuning constant increases the downweight assigned to large residuals, and increasing the tuning constant decreases the downweight assigned to large residuals.
● h is the vector of leverage values that adjust the residuals by downweighting high-leverage data points, which have a large effect on the least squares fit. The leverage values are the main diagonal of the hat matrix
● s is an estimate of the standard deviation of the error term given by
where MAD is the median absolute deviation of the residuals from their median. The constant 0.6745 makes the estimate unbiased for the normal distribution.
DoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction also implements the IDoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction interface, which provides methods Initialize() for performing any needed initialization given the matrix A, and GetWeights() for computing weights from a given vector of residuals.
Two concrete implementations of DoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction are provided:
● DoubleBisquareWeightingFunction applies the bisquare weighting formula to a set of adjusted residuals:
where r is the adjusted residuals computed by the AdjustedResidual() function on the base class DoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction.
● DoubleFairWeightingFunction applies the fair weighting formula to a set of adjusted residuals:
where r is the adjusted residuals computed by the AdjustedResidual() function on the base class DoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction.
The default weighting function used is the bisquare weighting function. This code constructs a DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq instance using the fair weighting function:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
var weightingFunction = DoubleFairWeightingFunction();
var irls = new DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq( weightingFunction );
Code Example – VB iteratively reweighted least squares
Dim WeightingFunction As IDoubleLeastSqWeightingFunction =
New DoubleFairWeightingFunction()
Dim IRLS As New
The weighting function can also be changed on an existing DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq object using the WeightsFunction property:
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
irls.WeightsFunction = new DoubleFairWeightingFunction();
Code Example – C# iteratively reweighted least squares
IRLS.WeightsFunction = New DoubleFairWeightingFunction()