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MinimizerBase Class

Class MinimizerBase is the abstract base class for classes that perform function minimization.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public abstract class MinimizerBase : ICloneable

The MinimizerBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodMinimizerBase For internal use only.
Protected methodMinimizerBase(Double, Int32) Constructs a MinimizerBase instance with the given error tolerance and maximum number of iterations.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultMaxIterations Gets and sets the default maximum number of iterations.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultTolerance Gets and sets the default error tolerance.
Public propertyError Gets the error associated with the mimimum just computed.
Public propertyIterations Gets the number of iterations used in the estimate of the mimimum just computed.
Public propertyMaxIterations Gets and sets the maximum number of iterations used in computing minima estimates.
Public propertyMaxIterationsMet Returns true if the minimum just computed stopped because the maximum number of iterations was reached; otherwise, false.
Public propertyTolerance Gets and sets the error tolerance used in computing minima estimates.
Public propertyToleranceMet Returns true if the minimum just computed stopped because the error tolerance was reached; otherwise, false.
Public methodClone Returns a deep copy of the minimizer.
Protected fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_MAX_ITERThe default maximum number of iterations.
Protected fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_TOLERANCEThe default error tolerance.
Protected fielderror_The current error.
Protected fieldStatic memberErrorName Error name.
Protected fielditer_The current number of iterations performed.
Protected fieldStatic memberIterationsName Iterations name.
Protected fieldmax_The maximum number of iterations.
Protected fieldStatic memberMaximumIterationsName MaximumIterations name.
Protected fieldtolerance_The error tolerance.
Protected fieldStatic memberToleranceName Tolerance name.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy