NMath User's Guide

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30.3 Quadratic Programming (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)

A quadratic programming (QP) problem is a NLP problem with a specific form for the objective and constraint functions. A QP problem has the following form:


subject to

where H is a symmetric nxn matrix, E and I are finite sets of indices, and c, x, and ai are vectors in Rn. The matrix H is the Hessian of the objective function q(x).

NOTE—Only convex QP problems are supported. A QP problem is convex if the matrix H in the objective function is positive definite.

Encapsulating the Problem

In NMath, class QuadraticProgrammingProblem class encapsulates a QP problem. The objective function is specified by providing the matrix H and the vector c. The matrix H, usually referred to as the Hessian, is the quadratic coefficient matrix. The vector c, sometimes referred to as the gradient, contains the coefficients for the linear terms.

For example, to minimize

q(x) = (x0 - 1)^2 + (x1 - 2.5)^2

Translate the objective function into the form 0.5*x'Hx + x'c. In this case:

H = | 2 0 |
    | 0 2 |

c = [-2 -5]   

This code sets up the QP problem:

Code Example – C# quadratic programming problem

var H = new DoubleMatrix( "2x2[2 0  0 2]" );
var c = new DoubleVector( -2.0, -5.0 );
var problem = new QuadraticProgrammingProblem( H, c );

Code Example – VB quadratic programming problem

Dim H As New DoubleMatrix("2x2[2 0  0 2]")
Dim C As New DoubleVector(-2.0, -5.0)
Dim Problem As New QuadraticProgrammingProblem(H, C)

Adding Bounds and Constraints

The constraints in a QP problem must be linear. There are several convenience methods provided for adding constraints and variable bounds.

For instance, given constraints:

-x0 + 2*x1 <= 2

 x0 - 2*x1 >= -6
-x0 + 2*x1 >= -2

 x0 >= 0
 x1 >= 0

The following code adds these constraints to an existing QuadraticProgrammingProblem object:

Code Example – C# quadratic programming problem

  new DoubleVector( -1.0, 2.0 ), 2.0 );
  new DoubleVector( 1.0, -2.0 ), -6.0 );
  new DoubleVector( -1.0, 2.0 ), -2.0 );
problem.AddLowerBound( 0, 0 );
problem.AddLowerBound( 1, 0 );

Code Example – VB quadratic programming problem

Problem.AddUpperBoundConstraint( New DoubleVector(-1.0, 2.0), 2.0)
Problem.AddLowerBoundConstraint( New DoubleVector(1.0, -2.0), -6.0)
Problem.AddLowerBoundConstraint( New DoubleVector(-1.0, 2.0), -2.0)
Problem.AddLowerBound(0, 0)
Problem.AddLowerBound(1, 0)

Solving the Problem

NMath provides two classes for solving quadratic programming problems:

Class ActiveSetQPSolver solves QP problems using an active set algorithm.

Class InteriorPointQPSolver solves QP problems using an interior point algorithm.

Active Set

Class ActiveSetQPSolver solves QP problems using an active set algorithm. The active set contains a subset of inequalities to watch while searching for a solution, which reduces the complexity of the search.

Code Example – C# active set quadratic programming

var solver = new ActiveSetQPSolver();

Code Example – VB active set quadratic programming

Dim Solver As New ActiveSetQPSolver()

The Solve() method solves the problem, and returns true if the algorithm terminated successfully:

Code Example – C# active set quadratic programming

if ( !solver.Solve( problem ) ) {
  Console.WriteLine( "Solver failed: {0}", solver.Status );
else {
  Console.WriteLine("Solver found solution (x0, x1) = ({0}, {1})", 
        solver.OptimalX[0], solver.OptimalX[1] );
  Console.WriteLine("After {0} iterations", solver.Iterations );
  Console.WriteLine( "Optimal objective function value = {0}", 
    solver.OptimalObjectiveFunctionValue );

Code Example – VB active set quadratic programming

If Not Solver.Solve(Problem) Then
  Console.WriteLine("Solver failed: {0}", Solver.Status)
  Console.WriteLine("Solver found solution (x0, x1) = ({0}, {1})",
    Solver.OptimalX(0), Solver.OptimalX(1))
  Console.WriteLine("After {0} iterations", Solver.Iterations)
  Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective function value = {0}",
End If

The Solve() method also optionally accepts a starting point for the solution search. The starting point need not be a feasible point.

Interior Point

Class InteriorPointQPSolver solves QP problems using an interior point algorithm.

Code Example – C# interior point quadratic programming

var solver = new InteriorPointQPSolver();

Code Example – VB interior point quadratic programming

Dim Solver As New InteriorPointQPSolver()

Parameters are specified using an instance of InteriorPointQPSolverParams.

Code Example – C# interior point quadratic programming

var solverParams = new InteriorPointQPSolverParams
  KktForm = InteriorPointQPSolverParams.KktFormOption.Blended,
  Tolerance = 1e-6,
  MaxDenseColumnRatio = 0.9,
  PresolveLevel =
  SymbolicOrdering = InteriorPointQPSolverParams.

Code Example – VB interior point quadratic programming

Dim SolverParams As New InteriorPointQPSolverParams
SolverParams.KktForm = 
SolverParams.Tolerance = "1e-6"
SolverParams.MaxDenseColumnRatio = 0.9
SolverParams.PresolveLevel = 
SolverParams.SymbolicOrdering = InteriorPointQPSolverParams.

This code performs the actual solve and prints out the results:

Code Example – C# interior point quadratic programming

solver.Solve( problem, solverParams );

Console.WriteLine( "Solver Parameters:" );
Console.WriteLine( solverParams.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine( "\nResult = " + solver.Result );
Console.WriteLine( "Optimal x = " + solver.OptimalX );
Console.WriteLine( "Optimal Function value = " + 
  solver.OptimalObjectiveFunctionValue );
Console.WriteLine( "iterations = " + solver.IterationCount );

Code Example – VB interior point quadratic programming

Console.WriteLine("Solver Parameters:")
Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}", Solver.Result)
Console.WriteLine("Optimal x = {0}", Solver.OptimalX)
Console.WriteLine("Optimal Function value = {0}", 
Console.WriteLine("iterations = {0}", Solver.IterationCount)

