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OneWayAnovaTable Class

Class OneWayAnovaTable summarizes the information of a traditional one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public class OneWayAnovaTable : DataFrame, 

The OneWayAnovaTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCols Gets the number of columns in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyColumnHeaders Gets and sets the array of column labels in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyColumnNames Gets an array of the column names in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyCreateDate Gets the creation datetime for this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomBetween Gets the between-groups degrees of freedom.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomTotal Gets the total degrees of freedom.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomWithin Gets the within-groups degrees of freedom.
Public propertyFStatistic Gets the F statistic.
Public propertyFStatisticPValue Gets the p-value for the F statistic.
Public propertyItemInt32 Gets the column indicated by the given column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemString Gets the column indicated by the given column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Slice Gets the subcolumn indicated by the given column index and row slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Subset Gets the subcolumn indicated by the given column index and row subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32 Gets and sets the element at the given row and column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemObject, String Gets and sets the element specified by the given row key and column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSlice, Slice Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row slice and column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSlice, Subset Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row slice and column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSubset, Slice Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row subset and column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSubset, Subset Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row subset and column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyMeanSquareBetween Gets the between-groups mean square.
Public propertyMeanSquareTotal Gets the total mean square.
Public propertyMeanSquareWithin Gets the within-group mean square.
Public propertyName Gets and sets the name for this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRowKeyHeader Gets and sets the header for the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRowKeys Gets an object array of the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRows Gets the number of rows in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyStringRowKeys Gets a string array of the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertySumOfSquaresBetween Gets the between-groups sum of squares.
Public propertySumOfSquaresTotal Gets the total sum of squares.
Public propertySumOfSquaresWithin Gets the within-groups sum of squares.
Public propertyType Gets the type of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumn(DataColumn) Adds the given DataColumn to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumn(IDFColumn) Adds a column to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumn(DataColumn, DataRowCollection) Adds the given DataColumn and accompanying data to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumns(DataColumnCollection) Adds a collection of DataColumns to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumns(DataColumnCollection, DataRowCollection) Adds a collection of DataColumns and accompanying data to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddColumns(DataFrame, Boolean) Adds all columns from another data frame to this data frame, optionally copying the data in the columns.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(DataRow) Adds the data from the given DataRow to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(ICollection) Adds a row to this data frame using default row key (this.Rows + 1).
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Int32, DataRow) Adds the data from the given DataRow using the specified column in the row as the row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Object, DoubleVector) Adds a row to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Object, ICollection) Adds a row to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Object, IDictionary) Adds a row to this data frame from the given dictionary.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Object, DataRow) Adds the data from the given DataRow using the given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRow(Object, Object) Adds a row to this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRows(DataRowCollection) Adds the data from the given DataRowCollection.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRows(Int32, DataRowCollection) Adds the data from the given DataRow using the specified column as row keys.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodAddRows(Object, DataRowCollection) Adds the data from the given DataRowCollection using the specified row keys.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanAndRemoveCols Removes all columns that contain missing values.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanAndRemoveCols(Int32) Removes columns that contain missing values in the given rows.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanAndRemoveRows Removes rows that contain missing values.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanAndRemoveRows(Int32) Removes rows in this data frame that missing values in the given columns.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanCols Returns a new data frame containing the columns in this data frame that do not contain missing values.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanCols(Int32) Returns a new data frame containing the columns in this data frame that do not contain missing values in the given rows.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanRows Returns a new data frame containing the rows in this data frame that do not contain missing values.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodCleanRows(Int32) Returns a new data frame containing the rows in this data frame that do not contain missing values in the given columns.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodClear Removes all columns and all rows from this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this OneWayAnovaTable.
Public methodContainsColumn Tests whether this data frame contains a column of the given name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodContainsRow Tests whether this data frame contains a row with the given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetColumnDictionary(Int32) Returns a dictionary for values in the given column. The row keys are used as keys in the dictionary.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetColumnDictionary(String) Returns a dictionary for values in the given column. The row keys are used as keys in the dictionary.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetColumnDictionary(Int32, Int32) Returns a dictionary for values in the given column. The dictionary keys are taken from the specified key column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetColumns(Slice) Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame specified by the given column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetColumns(Subset) Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame specified by the given column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetFactor(Int32) Creates a factor from the given column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetFactor(String) Creates a factor from the given column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetFactor(Int32, Object) Creates a factor from the given column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetFactor(String, Object) Creates a factor from the given column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRow(Int32) Gets the data for a given row index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRow(Object) Gets the data for the first row with a given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRowDictionary(Int32) Gets a row dictionary for the given row index. The dictionary keys are the column names.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRowDictionary(Object) Gets a row dictionary for the given row key. The dictionary keys are the column names.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRows(Slice) Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame specified by the given row slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetRows(Subset) Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame specified by the given row subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetSubRow(Int32, Slice) Gets the portion of the row in this data frame indicated by the given row index and column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodGetSubRow(Int32, Subset) Gets the portion of the row in this data frame indicated by the given row index and column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndexOf Returns the index of the first row with a given value in a specified column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndexOfColumn Return the index of the first column with a given column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndexOfKey Returns the index of the first row with a given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndexRowKeys Resets the row keys for all rows to rowIndex + 1.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndicesOf Returns the indices of all rows with a given value in a specified column.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndicesOfColumn Returns an array of column indices for the given column name. Column names need not be unique, so multiple columns may share a single name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodIndicesOfKey Returns the indices of all rows with a given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodInsertColumn Inserts the given column at the given column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodInsertRow(Int32, Object, DoubleVector) Inserts the given row at the given row index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodInsertRow(Int32, Object, ICollection) Inserts the given row at the given row index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodInsertRow(Int32, Object, IDictionary) Inserts the given row at the given row index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodOpenInEditor Opens the contents of this data frame in the default text editor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodPermuteColumns Reorders the columns in this data frame according to the given permutation array.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodPermuteRows Reorders the rows in this data frame according to the given permutation array.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveAllColumns Removes all columns from this data frame, but preserves the existing row keys.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveAllRows Removes all rows from this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveColumn(Int32) Removes the column from this data frame with the given column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveColumn(String) Removes all columns from this data frame with the given column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveColumns(Slice) Removes the columns from this data frame specified by the given column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveColumns(Subset) Removes the columns from this data frame specified by the given column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveRow(Int32) Removes the row from this data table at the given row index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveRow(Object) Removes all rows from this data table with the given row key.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveRows(Slice) Removes the rows from this data frame specified by the given row slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodRemoveRows(Subset) Removes the rows from this data frame specified by the given row subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSave(String) Exports the contents of this data frame to a text file.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSave(String, Boolean, Boolean, String) Exports the contents of this data frame to a text file.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSave(String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, String) Exports the contents of this data frame to a text file.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSetRowKey Sets the row key for the given row index to the given value.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSetRowKeys Sets the row keys in this data frame to the elements of the given collection.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSortByColumnHeader Sorts the columns in this data frame by the column headers.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSortRows(Int32) Sorts the rows in this data frame according to the given ordered array of column indices.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSortRows(Int32, SortingType) Sorts the rows in this data frame according to the given ordered array of column indices. Sort order is determined by the matching array of sorting types (ascending or descending).
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSortRowsByKeys Sorts the rows in this data frame by their row keys in ascending order.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSortRowsByKeys(SortingType) Sorts the rows in this data frame by their row keys.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSwapColumns Swaps the position of the given columns in the data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodSwapRows Swaps the position of the given rows in the data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Boolean) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, DateTime) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Double) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Int32) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Object) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, String) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Boolean) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, DateTime) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Double) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Int32) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Object) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, FuncIDFColumn, String) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for each level of the specified factor.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Boolean) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, DateTime) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Double) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Int32) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, Object) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncIDFColumn, String) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Boolean) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, DateTime) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Double) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Int32) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, Object) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodTabulate(String, String, String, FuncIDFColumn, String) Tabulates the results of applying the given delegate to the values in the specified data column for every combination of the two specified factors.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodToDataTable Returns a data table containing all data in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodToDoubleMatrix Returns a double matrix containing all numeric data in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodToString Returns a formatted string representation of this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodToString(Boolean, Boolean, String) Returns a formatted string representation of this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public methodToString(Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, String) Returns a formatted string representation of this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberBetweenGroupsRowKey The key used to access the Between groups row in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldcreationDate_ The creation DateTime of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberDegressOfFreedomColName The name of the degrees of freedom column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberFstatisticColName The name of the F statistic column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberMeanSquareColName The name of the mean square column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldname_ The name of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberPvalueColName The name of the p-value column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldrowKeyHeader_ Heading for row keys
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldrowKeys_ List of row keys
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberSumOfSquaresColName The name of the sum of squares column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberTotalRowKey The key used to access the Total row in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberWithinGroupsRowKey The key used to access the Within groups row in the one-way ANOVA table.
A one-way ANOVA table contains 3 rows and 5 columns. The rows contain information for each of the following sources: between-groups, within-groups, and total. The columns contain the following quantities for each source: degrees of freedom, sum of squares, mean square, F statistic and p-value (only for between-groups).
Instances of OneWayAnovaTable are obtained from a OneWayAnova object using the AnovaTable property, and cannot be constructed independently.
See Also