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OneWayAnovaTable Fields

The OneWayAnovaTable type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberBetweenGroupsRowKey The key used to access the Between groups row in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldcreationDate_ The creation DateTime of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberDegressOfFreedomColName The name of the degrees of freedom column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberFstatisticColName The name of the F statistic column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberMeanSquareColName The name of the mean square column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldname_ The name of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberPvalueColName The name of the p-value column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Protected fieldrowKeyHeader_ Heading for row keys
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldrowKeys_ List of row keys
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public fieldStatic memberSumOfSquaresColName The name of the sum of squares column in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberTotalRowKey The key used to access the Total row in the one-way ANOVA table.
Public fieldStatic memberWithinGroupsRowKey The key used to access the Within groups row in the one-way ANOVA table.
See Also