| IPLS2Calc Class |
Interface for performing a Partial Least Squares (PLS) calculation.
Inheritance Hierarchy Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.CoreAssembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
Syntax [SerializableAttribute]
public abstract class IPLS2Calc : ICloneable
Public MustInherit Class IPLS2Calc
Implements ICloneable
public ref class IPLS2Calc abstract : ICloneable
type IPLS2Calc =
interface ICloneable
The IPLS2Calc type exposes the following members.
Constructors | Name | Description |
| IPLS2Calc | Initializes a new instance of the IPLS2Calc class |
TopProperties | Name | Description |
| Coefficients |
Gets the matrix of coefficients used for making predictions.
| IsGood |
Indicates whether the most recent calculation was successful.
| Message |
Gets any message that may have been generated by the algorithm. For example,
if the calculation is unsuccessful, the message should indicate the
| PredictorLoadings |
Gets a matrix whow columns are the predictor loading vectors.
| PredictorScores |
Gets a matrix whow columns are the predictor score vectors.
TopMethods | Name | Description |
| Calculate |
Perform a PLS2 calculation on the given data.
| Clone |
A deep copy of self.
| HotellingsT2 |
Calculaties Hotelling's T2 statistic for each sample. T2 can be viewed as the
squared distance from a samples projection into the subspace to the centroid
of the subspace, or, more simply, the variation of the sample point within
the model.
| Predict(DoubleMatrix) |
Use the calculated model to predict the response value for each of
of the given predictor values.
| Predict(DoubleVector) |
Use the calculated model to predict the response value, y, from
the given value of the predictor variable.
| QResiduals |
Calculates the Q residuals for in sample in the model. The Q residual
for a given sample is the distance between the sample and its projection
in the subspace of the model.
Implementations must be able to handle dependent, or
ResponseVector, data with multiple columns (variables). That
is, the algorithm must be a PLS2 algorithm.
See Also