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BrentMinimizer Properties

The BrentMinimizer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyError Gets the error associated with the mimimum just computed.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
Public propertyIterations Gets the number of iterations used in the estimate of the mimimum just computed.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
Public propertyMaxIterations Gets and sets the maximum number of iterations used in computing minima estimates.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
Public propertyMaxIterationsMet Returns true if the minimum just computed stopped because the maximum number of iterations was reached; otherwise, false.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
Public propertyTolerance Gets and sets the error tolerance used in computing minima estimates.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
Public propertyToleranceMet Returns true if the minimum just computed stopped because the error tolerance was reached; otherwise, false.
(Inherited from MinimizerBase)
See Also