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AnovaRegressionFactorParam Properties

The AnovaRegressionFactorParam type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBeta Gets the standardized beta coefficient.
(Inherited from LinearRegressionParameter)
Public propertyEncoding Gets the encoding for this dummy variable.
Public propertyFactorLevel Gets the level of the ANOVA factor encoded by this dummy variable.
Public propertyFactorName Gets the name of the ANOVA factor encoded by this dummy variable.
Public propertyParameterIndex Gets the index of this parameter in the linear regresssion.
(Inherited from LinearRegressionParameter)
Public propertyStandardError Gets the standard error of this parameter.
(Inherited from LinearRegressionParameter)
Public propertySumOfSquares Gets the sum of squares due to this parameter.
(Inherited from AnovaRegressionParameter)
Public propertyValue Gets the value of this parameter.
(Inherited from LinearRegressionParameter)
See Also