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NMathFunctionsPseudoInverse Method

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Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleComplexMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatComplexMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleComplexMatrix, DoubleComplexMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleComplexMatrix, Double) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleMatrix, Double) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleSVDecomp, DoubleMatrix) A computationally inexpensive way to calculate the pseudo-inverse of a matrix if an SVDecomp has already been computed.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatComplexMatrix, FloatComplexMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatComplexMatrix, Single) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatMatrix, FloatMatrix) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatMatrix, Single) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatSVDecomp, FloatMatrix) A computationally inexpensive way to calculate the pseudo-inverse of a matrix if an SVDecomp has already been computed.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleComplexMatrix, DoubleComplexMatrix, Double) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix placing in the provided matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix, Double) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix and places it in the provided matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatComplexMatrix, FloatComplexMatrix, Single) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix placing in the provided matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPseudoInverse(FloatMatrix, FloatMatrix, Single) Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix and places it in the provided matrix.
See Also