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NMathFunctionsPseudoInverse(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix, Double) Method

Calculates the Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of a matrix and places it in the provided matrix.

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public static DoubleMatrix PseudoInverse(
	DoubleMatrix A,
	DoubleMatrix pseudoInverse,
	double epsilon


A  DoubleMatrix
A matrix.
pseudoInverse  DoubleMatrix
Matrix in which to place the pseudo inverse of A. Must be size A.Cols x A.Rows.
epsilon  Double
Singular values of A less than epsilon will be set to zero.

Return Value

pseudoInverse argument which contains the pseudo inverse of A.
MismatchedSizeExceptionThrown if the size of the pseudoInverse matrix is not equal to the size of the transpose of A.
See Also