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GlobalCurveFitterFit Method

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Public methodFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo) Performs the fit with the given datasets and parameter information. An initial value of zero is used for all parameters. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x when all parameters are zero. If not you must specify initial parameter values where the function is defined.
Public methodFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo, Double) Performs the fit with the given datasets and parameter information and starting with the given set of initial parameter values. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x with the initial parameter values.
Public methodFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo, Double, TupleDouble, Double) Performs the fit with parameter upper and lower bound constraints to the given datasets. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x.
Public methodFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo, Double, DoubleVector, DoubleVector) Performs the fit with parameter upper and lower bound constraints to the given datasets. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x.
Public methodFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo, Double, Double, Double) Performs the fit with parameter upper and lower bound constraints to the given datasets. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x.
See Also