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GlobalCurveFitterFit(IListCurveFitDataSet, IListGlobalFitParameterInfo, Double, Double, Double) Method

Performs the fit with parameter upper and lower bound constraints to the given datasets. The fitted function must be defined (real-valued) for all x.

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public double[][] Fit(
	IList<CurveFitDataSet> dataSets,
	IList<GlobalFitParameterInfo> parameterInfo,
	double[][] initialParameters,
	double[] parameterLowerBounds,
	double[] parameterUpperBounds


dataSets  IListCurveFitDataSet
>Datasets to fit.
parameterInfo  IListGlobalFitParameterInfo
Parameter information.
initialParameters  Double
Initial parameter values. initialParameters[i][j] is the initial value of the ith parameter for the jth data set.
parameterLowerBounds  Double
Parameter lower bounds. One for each parameter in the parameterized function geing fit. Must have same length = initialParameters.Length
parameterUpperBounds  Double
Parameter upper bounds. One for each parameter in the parameterized function geing fit. Must have same length = initialParameters.Length

Return Value

Parameter estimates as a jagged array of doubles. Note that we will get one parameter estimate for each shared parameter and N parameter estimates for each non-shared parameter, where N is the number of data sets. For example, p[i][j] is the value of the ith parameter for the jth data set. If the ith parameter is shared only the index j = 0 will be valid since we have only one parameter value. If the ith parameter is shared between the N data sets then indices j = 0, 1,..., N-1 are valid. For example: p[i][0] - value for the ith parameter if shared. p[i][0], p[i][1],..., p[i][N-1] - values for the ith non-shared parameter for data sets 0, 1,..., N-1. Parameter estimates satisfy parameterLowerBound[i] < p[i][j] > parameterUpperBounds[i] for each data set j.
See Also