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BairstowRootFinderFindUniqueRoots Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberFindUniqueRoots(IListBairstowRootFinderSolveResult, Double) Extracts the unique roots from the list of all roots resulting from Applying Bairstow's method to find all roots of a polynomial. Equality is determined by the "relative error" between the two values, x and y, being compared according to the formula: E = ||x - y||, if max(||x||, ||y||) is less than 1 ||x - y|| / max(||x||, ||y||), otherwise
Public methodStatic memberFindUniqueRoots(Double, Int32, Double) Finds the unique roots of a polynomial P(x) = a[0] + a[1]*x + a[2]*x^2 + ... + a[n]*x^n using repeated application of Bairstow's method.
Public methodStatic memberFindUniqueRoots(DoubleVector, Int32, Double) Finds the unique roots of a polynomial P(x) = a[0] + a[1]*x + a[2]*x^2 + ... + a[n]*x^n using repeated application of Bairstow's method.
Public methodStatic memberFindUniqueRoots(Polynomial, Int32, Double) Finds the unique roots of a polynomial using repeated application of Bairstow's method.
See Also