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DoubleTriDiagMatrix Methods

The DoubleTriDiagMatrix type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAdd(Double, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Adds a scalar to the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Adds two tridiagonal matrices.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, Double) Adds a scalar to the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix.
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this matrix.
Public methodDeepenThisCopy Guarantees that there is only one reference to the underlying data and that this data is in contiguous storage.
Public methodDiagonal Returns a vector view of the main diagonal of this matrix.
Public methodDiagonal(Int32) Returns a vector view of a diagonal of this matrix.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(Double, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Divides a scalar by the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Divides a tridiagonal matrix by another.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, Double) Divides the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix by a scalar.
Public methodEquals Tests for equality of this matrix and another matrix. Two matrices are equal if they have the same dimensions and all values are equal.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodGetHashCode Returns an integer hash code for this matrix.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodLeadingSubmatrix Returns the k by k upper left corner of the matrix. The matrix and the submatrix share the same data.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Double, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Multiplies the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix by a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Multiplies two tridiagonal matrices.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, Double) Multiplies the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix and a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberNegate Negation operator.
Public methodResize Changes the dimensions of this matrix to those specified, adding zeros or truncating as necessary.
Public methodShallowCopy Creates a shallow copy of this matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(Double, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Subtracts the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix from a scalar.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, DoubleTriDiagMatrix) Subtracts two tridiagonal matrices.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract(DoubleTriDiagMatrix, Double) Subtracts a scalar from the non-zero elements of a tridiagonal matrix.
Public methodCode exampleToCommaSeparated Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix using commas and newlines.
Public methodCode exampleToCommaSeparated(String) Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix using commas and newlines. Numbers are formatted using the specified format string.
Public methodToGeneralMatrix Converts this tridiagonal matrix to a general matrix.
Public methodCode exampleToString Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodCode exampleToString(String) Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix. Numbers are displayed using the specified format.





Public methodCode exampleToTabDelimited Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix using tabs and newlines.
Public methodCode exampleToTabDelimited(String) Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix using tabs and newlines. Numbers are formatted using the specified format string.
Public methodTranspose Returns the transpose of this matrix.
See Also