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DoubleSymmetricBackward1DFFT Methods

The DoubleSymmetricBackward1DFFT type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this FFT instance.
Public methodCreateInverseFFT Creates a backward FFT instance of this backward double real 1D FFT.
Public methodFFT(Double, Double) Computes the out-of-place backward FFT of vin and places the result in vout
Public methodFFT(DoubleVector, DoubleVector) Computes the out-of-place backward FFT of vin and places the result in vout
Public methodFFT(Double, Int32, Double) Computes the backward out-of-place FFT of vin and places the result in vout, where vin and vout contain offset signal data, vinoffset, voutoffset, respectively, from the [0] element.
Public methodFFTInPlace(Double) Computes the in-place backward FFT of the signal vinout.
Public methodFFTInPlace(Double)Obsolete.
Computes the backward FFT of each row in arrayinout and returns the complex conjugate symmetric results in-place in a packed format. Use a DoubleSymmetricSignalReader instance to extract individual signal FFT's out of the resultant array.
Public methodFFTInPlace(DoubleVector) Computes the in-place backward FFT of the signal vinout.
Public methodFFTInPlace(Double, Int32) Computes the in-place backward FFT of the signal vinout.
Public methodFFTInPlaceArray Computes the backward FFT of each row in arrayinout and returns the complex conjugate symmetric results in-place in a packed format. Use a DoubleSymmetricSignalReader instance to extract individual signal FFT's out of the resultant array.
Public methodSetScaleFactorByLength Sets the backward FFT scale factor to 1/SignalLength. If the forward FFT scale factor is 1.0, using this backward scale factor will guarentee that backwardFFT(forwardFFT(signal)) = signal. MATLAB uses this scale factor by default.
Public methodToString Returns a String containing a summary of this FFT type.
(Inherited from FFTBase)
See Also