VB Stochastic Hill Climbing Example

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Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics

Imports CenterSpace.NMath.Core

Namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.VisualBasic

  A .NET example in Visual Basic showing how to use the stochastic hill 
  climbing solver <c>StochasticHillClimbingSolver</c> to solve a
  nonlinear programming problem.
  W. Hock, K. Schittkowski, Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes.
  This is problem number 86.
  Public Module StochasticHillClimbingExample

    Sub Main()

      Create the objective function as an instance of a class derived from
      Dim F As New ObjectiveFunction()

      Construct the nonlinear programming problem. There are
      five constraints and each variable is required to be >= 0.
      Dim Problem As New NonlinearProgrammingProblem(F)
      Dim NumVars As Integer = 5
      Dim NumConstraints As Integer = 10
      Dim I As Integer = 0
      For I = 0 To NumConstraints - 1
        Value of the ith constraint function must be >= 0.
        Problem.AddLowerBoundConstraint(New ConstraintFunctions(I), 0.0)
      For I = 0 To NumVars - 1
        Each variable must be >= 0.
        Problem.AddLowerBound(I, 0.0)

      Create the solver object.
      Dim Solver As New StochasticHillClimbingSolver()
      The solver is stochastic. Setting a random seed before
      the solver will ensure consistent results between runs.
      Solver.RandomSeed = &H248

      Create a solver parameter object and set a time limit for 
      the solver. By default the solver will run until a solution
      is found. Since this could take forever, it is a good idea to
      set a reasonable time limit on the solve. Here we set the time
      limit for ten seconds. If an optimal solution is not found within
      the specified time limit the solver will exit and the solvers
      Result property will be equal to SolverResult.SolverInterrupted.
      We also specify that we want to presolve. By default there is no 
      presolve step. For some problems presolve can reduce the size and 
      complexity and result in fewer steps to reach a solution.
      Dim SolverParams As New StochasticHillClimbingParameters
      SolverParams.TimeLimitMilliSeconds = 10000
      SolverParams.Presolve = True

      Attempt the solver and write out the results.
      Solver.Solve(Problem, SolverParams)
      Console.WriteLine("Solver Result = " & Solver.Result)
      Console.WriteLine("Number of steps = " & Solver.Steps)
      Console.WriteLine("Optimal x = " & Solver.OptimalX.ToString("F3"))
      Console.WriteLine("Optimal function value = " & Solver.OptimalObjectiveFunctionValue.ToString("F3"))

      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key")
    End Sub

    Objective function. This is the function we want to minimize.
    Private Class ObjectiveFunction
      Inherits DoubleFunctional

      Constants used in evaluating the objective function.
      Private C_ As DoubleSymmetricMatrix
      Private D_ As DoubleVector
      Private E_ As DoubleVector

      Constructs an instance of the objective function.
      Sub New()
        E_ = New DoubleVector(-15.0, -27.0, -36.0, -18.0, -12.0)
        D_ = New DoubleVector(4.0, 8.0, 10.0, 6.0, 2.0)
        C_ = New DoubleSymmetricMatrix(5)
        C_(0, 0) = 30
        C_(0, 1) = -20
        C_(0, 2) = -10
        C_(0, 3) = 32
        C_(0, 4) = -10

        C_(1, 1) = 39
        C_(1, 2) = -6
        C_(1, 3) = -31
        C_(1, 4) = 32

        C_(2, 2) = 10
        C_(2, 3) = -6
        C_(2, 4) = -10

        C_(3, 3) = 39
        C_(3, 4) = -20

        C_(4, 4) = 30

      End Sub

      Evaluates the objective function at the given point.
      <param name="x">Evaluate at this point.</param>
      <returns>The objective function value at the point.</returns>
      Public Overrides Function Evaluate(X As DoubleVector) As Double

        Dim S1 As Double = 0
        Dim S2 As Double = 0
        Dim S3 As Double = 0
        Dim I As Integer
        For I = 0 To 4
          S1 = S1 + E_(I) * X(I)
          Dim J As Integer
          For J = 0 To 4
            S2 = S2 + C_(I, J) * X(I) * X(J)
          S3 = S3 + D_(I) * Math.Pow(X(I), 3)
        Return S1 + S2 + S3
      End Function
    End Class

    Constraint functions for the nonlinear programming problem.
    Constraints contain five variables. Ten different constraint
    objects may be constructed.
    Class ConstraintFunctions
      Inherits DoubleFunctional

      Coefficients for each of the ten different constraints.
      Each row of the matrix contains coefficients for the five
      Private Shared AData As DoubleMatrix

      Constant values used in evaluating each of the ten different
      Private Shared BData As DoubleVector

      References the variable coefficients for this constraint.
      Private ARow As DoubleVector

      The constant value for this constraint.
      Private BValue As Double

      Shared Sub New()

        Dim ADataArray(,) As Double = New Double(,) {{-16.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.4, 2.0},
                                                    {-3.5, 0, 2, 0, 0},
        {0, -2, 0, -4, -1},
        {0, -9, -2, 1, -2.8},
        {2, 0, -4, 0, 0},
        {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1},
        {-1, -2, -3, -2, -1},
        {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
        {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
        AData = New DoubleMatrix(ADataArray)
        BData = New DoubleVector(-40.0, -2.0, -0.25, -4, -4, -1, -40, -60, 5, 1)
      End Sub

      Constructs an instance of one of the ten constraint functions. 
      <param name="i">Constraint function number. Must be between
      0 and 9 inclusive.</param>
      <exception cref="InvalidArgumentException">Thrown if the constraint
      number is less than zero or greater than 9.</exception>
      Public Sub New(I As Integer)
        If (I < 0 Or I > AData.Rows) Then
          Dim Msg = String.Format("Invalid constraint number {0}. Must be between 0 and 9", I)
          Throw New InvalidArgumentException(Msg)
        End If
        ARow = AData.Row(I)
        BValue = BData(I)
      End Sub

      Evaluates the constraint function at the given point.
      <param name="x">Point to evaluate at.</param>
      <returns>Constraint value at the given point.</returns>
      Public Overrides Function Evaluate(X As DoubleVector) As Double
        Return NMathFunctions.Dot(ARow, X) - BValue
      End Function

    End Class
  End Module
End Namespace

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