VB Iteratively Reweighted Least Sq Example

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Imports System

Imports CenterSpace.NMath.Core

Namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.VisualBasic

  A .NET example in Visual Basic demonstrating the features of the classes for solving iteratively reweighted
  least squares problems.
  Module IterativelyReweightedLeastSqExample

    Sub Main()

      Set up a least squares problem, Ax = b, with random data.
      Dim RNG As New RandGenUniform(-2, 2, 124)
      Dim Rows As Integer = 10
      Dim Cols As Integer = 2
      Dim A As New DoubleMatrix(Rows, Cols, RNG)
      Dim X As New DoubleVector(Cols, RNG)
      Fix up the right hand side b so that x
      is the exact solution, then throw in some outliers.
      Dim B As DoubleVector = NMathFunctions.Product(A, X)
      Throw in a few outliers...
      B(1) = 23
      B(4) = -10

      Create an iteratively reweighted least squares instance
      and use it to solve the problem using the default settings.
      The default weighting is DoubleBisquareWeightingFunction which
      uses the bisquare weighting algorithm.
      Dim Irls As New DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq()

      Solve. The third parameter below specifies prepending a column of ones to the
      data in A representing a constant term in the model (which should come out
      to be zero in the solution from the way we cooked the data). Note that our
      input matrix A will not actually be changed.
      Dim Solution As DoubleVector = Irls.Solve(A, B, True)

      Console.WriteLine("Solution with bisquare weighting")
      Console.WriteLine("||residuals|| = " & Irls.Residuals.TwoNorm())
      If (Irls.Iterations >= Irls.MaxIterations) Then
        Console.WriteLine("The algorithm did not converge in {0} iterations.", Irls.MaxIterations)
        Console.WriteLine("Algorithm converged in {0} iterations.", Irls.Iterations)
      End If

      Change some of the settings that control the iteration.
      Irls.MaxIterations = 300
      Irls.Tolerance = 0.0000001

      The convergence function is a delegate that may specified by the user for
      determining if the algorithm has converged and iteration terminated. The
      delegate takes as arguments the previous and current solutions and residuals
      and the tolerance and returns a bool. See the ResidualsChanged function 
      Dim ResidualsUnchanged As New DoubleIterativelyReweightedLeastSq.ToleranceMetFunction(AddressOf ResidualsUnchangedFunction)
      Irls.ConvergenceFunction = ResidualsUnchanged

      Change the weighting function used from the default bisquare weighting to the
      fair weighting function. See the class DoubleFairWeightingFunction for 
      Irls.WeightsFunction = New DoubleFairWeightingFunction()

      Solve the problem with the new settings.
      Solution = Irls.Solve(A, B, True)

      Console.WriteLine("Solution with fair weighting")
      Console.WriteLine("||residuals|| = " & Irls.Residuals.TwoNorm())
      If (Irls.Iterations >= Irls.MaxIterations) Then
        Console.WriteLine("The algorithm did not converge in {0} iterations.", Irls.MaxIterations)
        Console.WriteLine("Algorithm converged in {0} iterations.", Irls.Iterations)
      End If

      Console.Write("Press Enter Key")

    End Sub

    Convergence function for use in the iteratively reweighted least squares
    algorithm. This particular convergence function returns true when the residuals
    from the current iterations are relatively the same as the residuals in the
    previous iteration.
    Private Function ResidualsUnchangedFunction(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal LastSolution As DoubleVector, _
      ByVal CurrenSolution As DoubleVector, ByVal LastResiduals As DoubleVector, ByVal CurrentResiduals As DoubleVector) As Boolean

      Dim MaxAbsDiff As Double = NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue(CurrentResiduals - LastResiduals)
      Return (MaxAbsDiff / NMathFunctions.MaxAbsValue(CurrentResiduals)) < Tolerance

    End Function

  End Module
End Namespace

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