VB Binary Linear Programming Example

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Imports System
Imports System.Linq

Imports CenterSpace.NMath.Core

Namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.VisualBasic

  There are 6 cities in a region. The region wants to build the minimum
  number of fire stations in cities such that there is a fire station within 15 minutes
  of each city. The driving times in minutes between cities is given in the
  the following table.
     From 1 2  3  4  5  6
   To 1 | 0 10 20 30 30 20
      2 | 10 0 25 35 20 10
      3 | 20 25 0 15 30 20
      4 | 30 35 15 0 15 25
      5 | 20 20 30 15 0 14
      6 | 20 10 20 25 14 0
  We can formulate this as an integer linear programming problem as
  Define six variables x0, x1,..., x5, where
  xi = 1 if there is a fire station built in city i, and 0 otherwise.
  Then the total number of fire stations built is
  x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5
  This is the objective function we want to minimize. Next we use
  the 15 minute maximum travel time to formulate our constraints.
  Consider city 0. From the table we see that in order to have at least
  one fire station 15 minutes away we must build a fire station in 
  city 0 and/or city 1. Formulated as a constraint it is:
  x0 + x1      >= 1 (City 0 constraint)
  Doing this for the other 5 cities we have
  x0 + x1 + x5 >= 1 (City 1 constraint)
  x2 + x3      >= 1 (City 2 constraint)
  x2 + x3 + x4 >= 1 (City 3 constraint)
  x3 + x4 + x5 >= 1 (City 4 constraint)
  x1 + x4 + x5 >= 1 (City 5 constraint)

  Module BinaryLinearProgrammingExample

    Sub Main()

      The linear objective function is specified by its coefficients.
      In this problem the coefficient is 1.0 for each of the 6 variables,
      however, the the NMath solver is set up to *maximize* the objective
      function. To minimize the objective we must negate the coefficients
      of the linear objective function. Thus we set each of the 6 variables
      coefficients to -1 and construct the problem object from this 
      coefficient vector.
      Dim Problem As New MixedIntegerLinearProgrammingProblem(New DoubleVector(6, -1.0))

      Next we need to add our constraints. Since, like the objective function,
      the constraint functions are linear we need only specify their 
      coefficients. Each constraint coefficient is either 0 or 1, depending
      on whether or not the coefficient appears in the constraint. We
      encode the constraints using a 6 x 6 matrix where the jth row contains
      the coefficients for the constraint on the jth city.
      Since the matrix values are initialized to 0 on construction we need only
      set the values which are 1s.
      Dim ConstraintCoefficients As New DoubleMatrix(6, 6)

      City 0. x0 + x1
      ConstraintCoefficients(0, 0) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(0, 1) = 1

      City 1. x0 + x1 + x5
      ConstraintCoefficients(1, 0) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(1, 1) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(1, 5) = 1

      City 2. x2 + x3
      ConstraintCoefficients(2, 2) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(2, 3) = 1

      City 3. x2 + x3 + x4
      ConstraintCoefficients(3, 2) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(3, 3) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(3, 4) = 1

      City 4. x3 + x4 + x6
      ConstraintCoefficients(4, 3) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(4, 4) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(4, 5) = 1

      City 5. x1 + x4 + x5
      ConstraintCoefficients(5, 1) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(5, 4) = 1
      ConstraintCoefficients(5, 5) = 1

      Add the constraints to the problem. Each constraint
      is a lower bound constraint with a lower bound of 1.
      Now is also when we constraint the solution variables
      to be binary, 1 or 0, depending on whether we build or
      dont build a fire station in the city, respectively.
      Dim I As Integer
      For I = 0 To 5
        Problem.AddLowerBoundConstraint(ConstraintCoefficients.Row(I), 1.0)

        The ith variable in the solution must be 0 or 1.

      Create the default primal simplex solver object and solve the problem.
      Dim Solver As New PrimalSimplexSolver()

      Print out the results.
      Console.WriteLine("Solver result: " & Solver.Result.ToString())

      Print out the solution vector. The ith component of the vector
      is 1 if we build a fire station in city i and 0 otherwise.
      Console.WriteLine("The solution vector: " & Solver.OptimalX.ToString())

      Print out the optimal object function value. Note that we negated the
      objective function on input in order to minimize it, so we negate
      the optimal value.
      Console.WriteLine("The objective function value: " & -Solver.OptimalObjectiveFunctionValue)


      Console.Write("Build fire stations in cities ")
      For I = 0 To Solver.OptimalX.Length - 1
        If (Solver.OptimalX(I) = 1) Then
          Console.Write("{0} ", I)
        End If

      Console.WriteLine("Total of {0} fire stations.", -Solver.OptimalObjectiveFunctionValue)

      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key")

    End Sub
  End Module
End Namespace
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