VB Advanced RNG Example

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Imports System

Imports CenterSpace.NMath.Core

Namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.VisualBasic

  A .NET example in Visual Basic showing how to create a random number generator for a 
  particular probability distribution using a specified uniform deviate
  method. Also shown is how to access and modify the uniform deviate
  generating object from the NMath Core random number generator object.
  Module AdvancedRNGExample

    Sub Main()


      Create a RandomNumberGenerator.UniformRandomNumber delegate object
      from the method System.Random.NextDouble().
      Dim SysRand As New Random()
      Dim UniformDeviates As RandomNumberGenerator.UniformRandomNumber = AddressOf SysRand.NextDouble

      Now, construct a binomial random number generator using this delegate to
      generate uniformly distributed random deviates between 0 and 1 (the 
      binomial generator will transform these uniform deviates into binomial
      Dim Trials As Integer = 2000
      Dim Prob As Double = 0.002
      Dim BinRand As New RandGenBinomial(Trials, Prob, UniformDeviates)

      Create a vector of binomial deviates and use it to create a histogram.
      Dim N As Integer = 200
      Dim RandomVec As New DoubleVector(N, BinRand)

      Create histogram
      Dim NumBins As Integer = 20
      Dim H As New Histogram(NumBins, RandomVec)

      Change the uniform deviate generator to use the method NextDouble() form
      NMath Cores RandGenMTwist class.
      Dim Seed As Integer = 999

      Construct the MT generator with the given seed.
      Dim MT As New RandGenMTwist(Seed)

      Create the delegate.
      UniformDeviates = AddressOf MT.NextDouble

      Use the delegate to generate the uniform deviates necessary to for the 
      binomial generator.
      BinRand.UniformDeviateMethod = UniformDeviates

      Generate a vector of binomial deviates.
      Dim RandomSequence1 As New DoubleVector(N, BinRand)

      All NMathCore random number generator classes have Reset() and Reset(int) 
      methods that attempt to reset the underlying uniform generator with the
      time of day, for the no argument reset, or the given seed, for the integer
      argument version. These methods return true if the reset was successful and
      false if it was not. The reset methods will succeed if the following 
      conditions are met:
      1. The uniform generator delegate is an instance method, i.e. the Target 
         property of the Delegate class returns a non-null reference.
      2. The object reference thus obtained has a method named Initialize that
         returns void and takes no arguments, for the Reset() method, or a 
         single integer argument for the Reset(int) method.
      The RandGenMTwist class has an Initialize(int) method, so the Reset(int)
      method should succeed.
      If (BinRand.Reset(Seed)) Then
        Random sequences started using the same seed, so they should be identical.
        Dim RandomSequence2 As New DoubleVector(N, BinRand)
        Console.WriteLine("randomSequence1 == randomSequence2 is {0}", RandomSequence1.Equals(RandomSequence2))
        Console.WriteLine("Could not reset generator")
      End If

      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key")

    End Sub
  End Module
End Namespace

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