C# NMF Example

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using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using CenterSpace.NMath.Core;
using System.IO;

namespace CenterSpace.NMath.Examples.CSharp
  /// <summary>
  /// A .NET example in C# showing use of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF).
  /// </summary>
  class NMFExample

    static void Main( string[] args )
      DataFrame data = DataFrame.Load( "NMFExample.dat", false, false, ", ", true );
      // Construct a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization object that will perform 200
      // iterations when computing the factors.
      var fact = new NMFact( 200 );

      // Now, perform the factorization data = WH using the the default initial
      // initial values for WH (which are uniform random in (0, 1) ), the default
      // update algorithm (NMFMultiplicativeUpdate) and k = 2.
      fact.Factor( data, 2 );

      // Look at the results. Note that since the initial values for W and H are
      // random, the results will not be exactly the same on each run of the
      // program.
      Console.WriteLine( "\nOutput 0, Default initial W, H, and algorithm -----------------" );
      PrintResults( fact );
      // Note that the values of W and H are not close to the expected values

      // Set up some initial values for W and H so we can play with some of the 
      // factorizations parameters and observe the effects without the random
      // variations induced by random initial values.
      var rng = new RandGenUniform( 0x124 );
      var initialW = new DoubleMatrix( 3, 2, rng );
      var initialH = new DoubleMatrix( 2, 4, rng );

      // Factor and print the results
      fact.Factor( data, 2, initialW, initialH );
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nOutput 1 -------------------------------------------------------" );
      PrintResults( fact );

      // Note that the factorization is pretty darn good - the cost function 
      // is on the order of 10e-18 and the difference of the elements of WH
      // and V are all on the order of 10e-9 or 10e-10. But we are not close
      // to the expected results. This shows the non-uniqueness of NMF 
      // solutions. Lets up the number of iterations to, say, 1000 and see
      // if our factorization improves:
      fact.NumIterations = 1000;
      initialW = new DoubleMatrix( 3, 2, rng );
      initialH = new DoubleMatrix( 2, 4, rng );
      fact.Factor( data, 2, initialW, initialH );
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nOutput 2, 1000 iterations ----------------------------------" );
      PrintResults( fact );

      // Cost goes way down, all the elements of V - WH are 0 or on the order
      // of 10e-15 - thats basically 0 within the limits of a double precision
      // number (15 significant digits). Within machine precision, the 
      // factorization is exact and the solution is definitely a local minimum
      // of the function ||V - WH||. Lets try and make it converge to the 
      // expected solution by setting the initial values very close to the 
      // expected values.
      initialW = new DoubleMatrix( "3x2[1 5  2 1  3 4]" );
      initialW = initialW + .01;
      initialH = new DoubleMatrix( "2x4[1 4 3 2  8 1 2 7]" );
      initialH = initialH - .01;
      fact.Factor( data, 2, initialW, initialH );
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nOutput 3, initial W, H close to expected values --------------------" );
      PrintResults( fact );

      // Wow. We still converge to the same solution as before. That solution
      // must be a very strong attractor for this algorithm. Lets try a 
      // different algorithm. The GD-CLS algorithm uses the multiplicative
      // method, which is basically a version of the gradient descent (GD) 
      // optimization scheme, to approximate the basis vector matrix W. H
      // is calculated using a constrained least squares (CLS).
      fact.UpdateAlgorithm = new NMFGdClsUpdate();
      double delta = 0.01;
      initialW = new DoubleMatrix( "3x2[1 5  2 1  3 4]" );
      initialW = initialW + delta;
      initialH = new DoubleMatrix( "2x4[1 4 3 2  8 1 2 7]" );
      initialH = initialH + delta;
      fact.Factor( data, 2, initialW, initialH );
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nOutput 4, GD-CLS algorithm initial W, H close to expected values -----" );
      PrintResults( fact );

      // Now, thats more like it. We can find the expected solution if we 
      // out right on top of it.

      Console.WriteLine( "Press Enter Key" );

    static void PrintResults( NMFact nmf )
      // Matrices rounded for better legibility

      // Look at the results:
      Console.WriteLine( "\nFactored Matrix: " );
      Console.WriteLine( nmf.V.ToTabDelimited( "G5" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "\nW: " );
      Console.WriteLine( nmf.W.ToTabDelimited( "G5" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "\nH: " );
      Console.WriteLine( nmf.H.ToTabDelimited( "G5" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "\nCost (error) = " + nmf.Cost );

      // Look at the product of the factors and the difference from
      // the factored matrix V
      DoubleMatrix WH = NMathFunctions.Product( nmf.W, nmf.H );
      DoubleMatrix D = nmf.V - WH;
      Console.WriteLine( "\nWH = " );
      Console.WriteLine( WH.ToTabDelimited( "G5" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "\nV - WH = " );
      Console.WriteLine( D.ToTabDelimited( "G5" ) );
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