Weighted |
The WeightedRegressionAnova type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
WeightedRegressionAnova | Construct a linear model ANOVA from a weighted least squares fit. |
Name | Description | |
AdjustedRsquared | Gets the adjusted coefficient of determination. | |
ErrorDegreesOfFreedom | Gets the number of degrees of freedom for the model error. | |
FStatistic | Gets the overall F statistic for the model. | |
FStatisticPValue | Gets the p-value for the F statistic. | |
MeanSquaredRegression | Gets the mean squared for the regression. | |
MeanSquaredResidual | Gets the mean squared residual. | |
ModelDegreesOfFreedom | Gets the number of degrees of freedom for the model. | |
ParameterEstimates | Gets an array of parameter objects which may be used to perform hypothesis tests on individual parameters in the model. | |
ParameterEstimatesAvailable | Check if parameter estimats are available through the ParameterEstimates property. Parameter variance is undefined in the regression matrix is rank deficient. In this case the parameter estimates property will throw an exception if accessed. | |
RegressionSumOfSquares | Gets the regression sum of squares. | |
ResidualSumOfSquares | Gets the residual sum of squares. | |
RSquared | Gets the coefficient of determination. | |
WeightedResiduals | Returns the vector of weighted residuals. |