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SimplexSolverMixedIntParams Class

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Class containing parameters for simplex based mixed integer linear programming solvers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
[ObsoleteAttribute("No longer needed with new ORTools LP and MIP classes.")]
public class SimplexSolverMixedIntParams : ICloneable

The SimplexSolverMixedIntParams type exposes the following members.

Public methodSimplexSolverMixedIntParams Constructs a SimplexSolverMixedIntParams object with default values for the parameters. Default values are: PostFeasibilityBranchingStrategy = BranchingStrategies.Automatic; PreFeasibilityBranchingStrategy = BranchingStrategies.Automatic; GapTolerance = 1e-5; GenerateCuts = false; GomoryCutRoundLimit = 200; NodePresolve = false; Presolve = true; SearchStrategy = SearchStrategies.BestBound;
Public propertyGapTolerance Gets or sets the tolerance to declare an integer solution optimal. Default is 1e-5
Public propertyGenerateCuts Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to generate cuts. Default is false.
Public propertyGomoryCutRoundLimit Gets or sets the limit on generating cutting planes. Default is 200.
Public propertyNodePresolve Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to perform presolve during a search. Default is false.
Public propertyPostFeasibilityBranchingStrategy Gets or sets the method that the solver uses after feasibility to select variables to branch on. Default is BranchingStrategies.Automatic.
Public propertyPreFeasibilityBranchingStrategy Gets or sets the method that the solver uses before feasibility to select variables to branch on. Default is BranchingStrategies.Automatic.
Public propertyPresolve Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to presolve the mixed integer problem. Default is true.
Public propertySearchStrategy Gets or sets the search strategy for finding an optimal solution. Default is SearchStrategies.BestBound.
Public methodClone Returns a deep copy of self.
Public methodToString Creates a string representation for the solver.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also