Natural |
The NaturalCubicSpline type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
NaturalCubicSpline | Default constructor. | |
NaturalCubicSpline(DoubleVector, DoubleVector) | Constructs an instance of NaturalCubicSpline for the given paired vectors of x- and y-values. |
Name | Description | |
Differentiator |
Gets and sets the differentiation method object associated with this function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Func |
Gets the function encapsulated by this object.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Integrator |
Gets and sets the integration method object associated with this function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
NumberOfTabulatedValues |
Gets the number of tabulated values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SecondDerivativeAtControlPoints |
The second derivative at each control point of the cubic spline.
(Inherited from CubicSpline) |
Name | Description | |
Clone |
Creates a deep copy of this natural cubic spline.
(Overrides OneVariableFunctionClone) | |
CoreEvaluate | (Overrides CubicSplineCoreEvaluate(Double)) | |
Derivative |
Returns the first derivative of this function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Differentiate |
Computes the numerical derivative of the current function at the given
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Evaluate(Double) |
Evaluates the current function at the given x-value.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Evaluate(DoubleVector) |
Evaluates the current function at the given set of x-values.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
Evaluate(OneVariableFunction) |
Creates a composite function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
EvaluateWithCubicSpline | (Overrides CubicSplineEvaluateWithCubicSpline(Double)) | |
GetX |
Returns the value of the tabulated independent values at the specified
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
GetXs |
Gets the x, or independent, values represented by this function.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
GetXVector |
Gets the x, or independent, values represented by this function.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
GetY |
Returns the value of the tabulated dependent values at the specified
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
GetYs |
Gets the y, or dependent, values represented by this function.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
GetYVector |
Gets the y, or dependent, values represented by this function.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
Integrate |
Computes the integral of the current function over the specified
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
LinearInterpolation |
Handles the case when there are exactly two tabulated points.
(Overrides CubicSplineLinearInterpolation(Double)) | |
ParabolicInterpolation |
Handles the case when there are exactly three tabulated points.
(Overrides CubicSplineParabolicInterpolation(Double)) | |
ProcessTabulatedValues |
Calculates the values for the second derivatives. From "Numerical Recipes"
section 3.3
(Overrides TabulatedFunctionProcessTabulatedValues) | |
SetTabulatedValues(DoubleVector, DoubleVector) |
Changes the values of the tabulated function.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetTabulatedValues(Int32, Double, Double) |
Set the values of the tabulated point at the specified index to the
specified value.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetTabulatedValues(Range, DoubleVector, DoubleVector) |
Sets the the tabulated point values in the specifed range to the
specified values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetX(Int32, Double) |
Sets the value of the independent tabulated value at the specified
index to the specified value.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetX(Range, DoubleVector) |
Sets the the tabulated independent values in the specifed range to the
specified values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetY(Int32, Double) |
Sets the value of the dependent tabulated value at the specified
index to the specified value.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
SetY(Range, DoubleVector) |
Sets the the tabulated dependent values in the specifed range to the
specified values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) |
Name | Description | |
differentiator_ | Differentiator (Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
function_ | Captured function (Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
integrator_ | Integrator (Inherited from OneVariableFunction) | |
xi_ |
Tabulated independent function values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) | |
yDoublePrime_ | (Inherited from CubicSpline) | |
yi_ |
Tabulated dependent function values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction) |