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GlobalCurveFitAnova Class

Class GlobalCurveFitAnova computes ANOVA style statistics for the least squares model fit that result from a global curve fit. Available statistics include the residual standard error, the coefficient of determination (R2 and "adjusted" R2), the F-statistic and p-value for the overall model, and degrees of freedom.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public class GlobalCurveFitAnova

The GlobalCurveFitAnova type exposes the following members.

Public methodGlobalCurveFitAnova Constructs a GlobalCurveFitAnova instance for the given datasets fit.
Public propertyAdjustedRsquared Gets the adjusted coefficient of determination.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedom Gets the degrees of freedom
The is the total number of points used in the fit minus the number of parameters. Note that if a parameter is not shared it is counted N times, where N is the number of datasets.
Public propertyErrorDegreesOfFreedom ///
Gets the number of degrees of freedom for the model error.
This is equal to the number of observations minus the number of model parameters.
Public propertyFstatistic Gets the overall F-statistic for the model.
Public propertyFStatisticPValue Gets the p-value for the F-statistic.
Public propertyGlobalResidualSumOfSquares Gets the global residual sum of squares. This residual sum of squares over all datasets.
Public propertyMeanSquareErrorRegression Gets the mean squared residual.
Public propertyMeanSquareErrorResidual Gets the mean squared for the regression.
Public propertyModelDegreesOfFreedom Gets the number of degrees of freedom for the model.
Public propertyNumberOfDataSets Gets the number of datasets used in the fit.
Public propertyNumberOfPoints Gets the total number of points used in the fit. This is the sum of the numbers of points in each dataset.
Public propertyParameters Gets the array of estimated parameter statistics.
Public propertyRegressionSumOfSquares Gets the regression sum of squares.
Public propertyResidualSumOfSquares Gets the residual sum of squares for each dataset, and the global residual sum of squares. If there are N datasets, the returned array has length N+1. Elements 0,1,...,N-1 contain the residual sum of squares for the corresponding dataset and element N contains the global residual sum of squares.
Public propertyRsquared Gets the coefficient of determination.
Public propertyTotalDegreesOfFreedom Gets the total degrees of freedom. This is the sum of the model degrees of freedom and the error degrees of freedom.
Public propertyTotalSumOfSquares Gets and sets the total sum of squares.
Public methodParameter(Int32, Int32) Gets fitted parameter statistics for a specific parameter.
Public methodParameter(String, Int32) Gets fitted parameter statistics for a specific parameter.
See Also