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FloatRandomLogNormalDistribution Class

Class FloatRandomLogNormalDistribution generates random numbers from a lognormal distribution.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public class FloatRandomLogNormalDistribution : IRandomNumberDistribution<float>, 

The FloatRandomLogNormalDistribution type exposes the following members.

Public methodFloatRandomLogNormalDistribution Constructs a random number generator for a beta distribution using default mean of 0.0, sigma of 1.0, displacement of 0.0, and scale of 1.0.
Public methodFloatRandomLogNormalDistribution(Single, Single, Single, Single) Constructs a random number generator for a beta distribution using the specified distribution parameters.
Public methodFloatRandomLogNormalDistribution(Single, Single, Single, Single, FloatRandomLogNormalDistributionGenerationMethod) Constructs a random number generator for a beta distribution using the specified distribution parameters.
Public propertyDisplacement Gets the displacement.
Public propertyMean Gets the average of the subject normal distribution.
Public propertyMethod Gets the generation method.
Public propertyScale Gets the scale.
Public propertySigma Gets the standard deviation of the subject normal distribution.
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this random number generator.
Public methodFill(RandomNumberStream, FloatVector, Int32, Int32) Uses the given random number stream to fill the given vector of floats with random values.
Public methodFill(RandomNumberStream, Single, Int32, Int32) Uses the given random number stream to fill the given array of integers with random values.
See Also