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DoubleSymSemiPDFact Class

Given a real symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix A, class DoubleSymSemiPDFact performs a Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting. In the following ' denotes matrix transposition. The form of the factorization is: P'AP = U'U if upper is specified, and P'AP = LL' if lower is specified. where P is a permutation matrix, and U and L are upper and lower triangular matrices, respectively. The algorithm does not attempt to check if the matrix A is positive semidefinite.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public class DoubleSymSemiPDFact

The DoubleSymSemiPDFact type exposes the following members.

Public methodDoubleSymSemiPDFact Computes the Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting of a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix.
Public propertyCholeskyFactor Gets the upper triangular matrix U or the lower triangular matrix L in the factorization P'AP = U'U, upper triangular specified. P'AP = LL', lower triangular specified.
Public propertyIsGood Gets a boolean value which is true if the matrix factorization succeeded and the factorization may be used to solve equations. If this property returns false, any attempt to use the factorization to solve equations using the Solve methods will throw an exception.
Public propertyOrder Gets the order. This is equal to the number of rows and columns of the factored symmetric A. It is also the number of rows and columns in the Cholesky factor U, if upper is specified, or L, if lower is specified.
Public propertyP Gets the permutation matrix P in the factorization P'AP = U'U, upper triangular specified. P'AP = LL', lower triangular specified.
Public propertyPivots Gets an array of pivot indices. The row i is interchanged with row Pivots[i].
Public propertyRank Gets the rank of the factored matrix. This is the number of linearly independent columns of the factored matrix A. Using the Solve method should only be attempted when the rank is equal to the order of the factored symmeteric matrix A.
Public propertyTolerance Gets the value of the tolerance used in the factorization algorithm. The algorithm terminates at the (k-1)th step, if the pivot is less than or equal to
Public propertyUpperOrLowerFactors Gets the upper of lower factors property.
Public methodSolve(DoubleMatrix) Solves the linear system AX = B using the Cholesky factorization for A. The factorization must be checked using the IsGood property before solving. An execption will be thrown when the IsGood property is false and this method is invoked.
Public methodSolve(DoubleVector) Solves the linear system Ax = b using the Cholesky factorization for A. The factorization must be checked using the IsGood property before solving. An execption will be thrown when the IsGood property is false and a solve is attempted by calling this function.
See Also