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DoubleForward2DFFT Class

DoubleForward2DFFT represents the forward discrete fourier transform of a 2D real signal vector.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public class DoubleForward2DFFT : FFT2DBase, 

The DoubleForward2DFFT type exposes the following members.

Public methodDoubleForward2DFFT(FFT2DBase) Constructs a forward 2D FFT instance by copying the configuration from another FFT instance.
Public methodDoubleForward2DFFT(Int32, Int32) Constructs a forward 2D FFT instance for double real signal vectors.
Public propertyColumns Gets the number of expected colums in FFT input array
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public propertyDimension Gets the FFT dimension; typically either 1, 2 or 3.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public propertyDirection Gets the direction of the FFT, either forward or backward.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public propertyDomain Gets the forward domain of signal data; either complex or real.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public propertyForwardScaleFactor Gets or sets the forward scale factor of the FFT; The default is 1.0
Public propertyPrecision Gets the FFT precision; either float or double
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public propertyRows Gets the number of expected rows in FFT input array
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Public methodClone Creates a deep copy of this FFT instance.
Public methodFFT(Double, Double) Computes the forward out-of-place FFT of vin.
Public methodFFT(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) Computes the foward FFT of vin and places the result in vout
Public methodFFTInPlace(Double) Computes the in-place forward FFT of the signal vinout.
Public methodFFTInPlace(DoubleMatrix) Computes the in-place forward FFT of the signal vinout.
Public methodGetSignalReader(Double) Generates the appropriate reader to unpack the packed complex conjugate symmetric FFT's computed by this class.
Public methodGetSignalReader(DoubleMatrix) Generates the appropriate reader to unpack the packed complex conjugate symmetric FFT's computed by this class.
Public methodToString Returns a String containing a summary of this FFT type.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Protected fieldconfigColMajor_ Internal MKL configuration manager for column major arrays. The two configurations are identical in all ways except in how they interpret 2D array data.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
Protected fieldconfigRowMajor_ Internal MKL configuration manager for row major arrays. The two configurations are identical in all ways except in how they interpret 2D array data.
(Inherited from FFT2DBase)
The forward FFT is defined to have a negative exponent in the transform with a default scale factor of 1.0.
See Also