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PLS2CrossValidationWithJackknife Properties

The PLS2CrossValidationWithJackknife type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAverageMeanSqrError Gets the average of the mean square errors for each training/testing subsets pair.
Public propertyCalculator Gets and sets the PLS2 calculator to use for PLS2 calculations.
Public propertyCoefficients Gets the coefficients for the full model.
Public propertyCoefficientVariance Gets the jackknife variance estimates for the model coefficients.
Public propertyIsGood Whether all the PLS2 calculations were successful.
Public propertyMessage Gets any message that may have been generated by the computation. For example, if the calculation is unsuccessful, the message indicates the reason.
Public propertyResults Gets the results of the cross validation for each training/testing subsets pair.
Public propertyScale Gets and sets the scale property. If true, the learning X data for each subset is scaled by dividing each variable by its sample standard deviation. The prediction data is scaled by the same amount. Note that this will impact performance.
Public propertySubsetGenerator Gets and sets the subset generator to use to generate testing and training subsets.
Public propertyUseMeans Gets and sets the use means property. If true the mean of the coefficients computed in the jackknife replicates will be used to compute variance estimates. If false the full model coefficients will be used.
See Also