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PLS1NipalsAlgorithm Properties

The PLS1NipalsAlgorithm type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsGood Whether the most recent calculation was successful.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcIsGood)
Public propertyLoadings Gets the loadings matrix for PredictorMatrix. The loadings matrix is described in the class summary.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcLoadings)
Public propertyMessage Gets any message that may have been generated by the algorithm. For example, if the calculation is unsuccessful, the message indicates the reason.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcMessage)
Public propertyPredictorMean Gets the vector of means for the predictor variables.
Public propertyRegressionVector Gets the vector of regression, r, which can be used for making predictions as follows:

Let ybar and xbar be the means of the response and predictor variables, respectively, used to create the model. Then the predicted response, yhat, for a predictor vector, z is given by the formula

yhat = ybar + (z - xbar)'r

Public propertyResponseMean Gets the vector of means for the response variables.
Public propertyResponseWeights Gets the vector of response weights. The ith element of this vector corresponds to the regression coefficient calculated by ordinary linear regression of the response vector on the ith score vector.
Public propertyScores Gets the scores matrix for PredictorMatrix. The scores matrix is described in the class summary.
(Overrides IPLS1CalcScores)
Public propertyWeights Returns the matrix of weights computed by the algorithm.
See Also