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OneWayRanovaTable Properties

The OneWayRanovaTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCols Gets the number of columns in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyColumnHeaders Gets and sets the array of column labels in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyColumnNames Gets an array of the column names in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyCreateDate Gets the creation datetime for this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomError Gets the error degrees of freedom.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomTotal Gets the total degrees of freedom.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomTreatment Gets the treatment degrees of freedom.
Public propertyDegreesOfFreedomWithinSubject Gets the within-subject degrees of freedom.
Public propertyFStatistic Gets the F statistic for the RANOVA.
Public propertyFStatisticPValue Gets the p-value for the F statistic.
Public propertyItemInt32 Gets the column indicated by the given column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemString Gets the column indicated by the given column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Slice Gets the subcolumn indicated by the given column index and row slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Subset Gets the subcolumn indicated by the given column index and row subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32 Gets and sets the element at the given row and column index.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemObject, String Gets and sets the element specified by the given row key and column name.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSlice, Slice Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row slice and column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSlice, Subset Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row slice and column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSubset, Slice Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row subset and column slice.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyItemSubset, Subset Gets a new data frame containing the portion of this data frame indicated by the given row subset and column subset.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyMeanSquareError Gets the error mean square.
Public propertyMeanSquareTotal Gets the total mean square.
Public propertyMeanSquareTreatment Gets the treatment mean square.
Public propertyMeanSquareWithinSubject Gets the within-subject mean square.
Public propertyName Gets and sets the name for this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRowKeyHeader Gets and sets the header for the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRowKeys Gets an object array of the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyRows Gets the number of rows in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertyStringRowKeys Gets a string array of the row keys in this data frame.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
Public propertySumOfSquaresError Gets the error sum of squares.
Public propertySumOfSquaresTotal Gets the total sum of squares.
Public propertySumOfSquaresTreatment Gets the treatment sum of squares.
Public propertySumOfSquaresWithinSubject Gets the within-subject sum of squares.
Public propertyType Gets the type of this data object.
(Inherited from DataFrame)
See Also