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NMFClusteringAlg Properties

The NMFClusteringAlg type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClusterSet Gets a ClusterSet object that identifies the cluster into which each object was grouped. The indexing operator on the returned ClusterSet returns the cluter number to which ith object was grouped.
Public propertyConnectivity Gets the adjacency matrix. The Adjacency Matrix is a symmetric matrix whose i, jth value is 1 if columns i and j of the factored matrix are in the same cluster, and 0 if they are not.
Public propertyConverged Returns true if the factorization algorithm converged. Returns false if the maximum number of iterations was exceeded before convergence was achieved.
Public propertyConvergenceCheckPeriod Gets and sets the convergence check period. Convergence will be checked every
Public propertyCost Gets the value of the cost function for the factorization. The cost function is the function that is minimized by the NMF updater algorithm used.
Public propertyH Gets the matrix H in the NMF factorization of V, V ~ WH
Public propertyIterations Gets the total number of iterations performed in the most recent calculation.
Public propertyMaxFactorizationIterations Gets and sets the maximum number of iterations to perform.
Public propertyStoppingAdjacency Gets and sets the stopping adjacency. The stopping adjacency. The stopping adjacency is the number of consecutively unchanged connection matrices that must be observed before convergence.
Public propertyUpdater Gets ans sets the NMF iteration algorithm to use.
Public propertyW Gets the matrix W in the NMF factorization of V, V ~ WH
See Also