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HosmerLemeshowGroup Properties

The LogisticRegressionFitAnalysisParameterCalcHosmerLemeshowGroup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAverageEstimatedProbability Gets the average estimated probability for the group.
Public propertyGroupSize Gets the number of covariates in this group.
Public propertyMemberIndices Gets the indices in the regression model data of the covariates in this group. If lr is the corresponding logistic regression model object, then the covariates in this group are lr.PredictorMatrix.Row(MemberIndices[i]), for i = 0, 1,..., MemeberIndices.Count - 1
Public propertyNumberPositiveOutcomes Gets the number of positive outcomes for the group.
Public propertyPredictedNumberOfPositiveOutcomes Gets the predicted number of outcomes for this group.
See Also