Logistic |
The LogisticRegressionAuxiliaryStatsParameterCalc type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CoxSnell | Gets the Cox and Snell pseudo R-squared statistic for the model. | |
LikelihoodRatioStat | Gets the likelihood ratio statistic and related values for the logistic regression. | |
LogLikelihoodFullModel | Gets the log of the value of the likelihood function for the full model (estimated coefficients). | |
LogLikelihoodInterceptOnly | Gets the log of the value of the likelihood function for the intercept only model. | |
Nagelkerke | Gets the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared statistic for the model. | |
OddsRatios | Gets the odds ratio values for the computed coefficients. The odds ratio for the intercept parameter, if there is one, is not computed. |