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LogisticRegressionAuxiliaryStatsParameterCalc Properties

The LogisticRegressionAuxiliaryStatsParameterCalc type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCoxSnell Gets the Cox and Snell pseudo R-squared statistic for the model.
Public propertyLikelihoodRatioStat Gets the likelihood ratio statistic and related values for the logistic regression.
Public propertyLogLikelihoodFullModel Gets the log of the value of the likelihood function for the full model (estimated coefficients).
Public propertyLogLikelihoodInterceptOnly Gets the log of the value of the likelihood function for the intercept only model.
Public propertyNagelkerke Gets the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared statistic for the model.
Public propertyOddsRatios Gets the odds ratio values for the computed coefficients. The odds ratio for the intercept parameter, if there is one, is not computed.
See Also