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FloatPCA Properties

The FloatPCA type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCumulativeVarianceProportions Gets the cumulative variance proportions.
Public propertyData Gets the data matrix.
Public propertyEigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the calculation is actually performed using the singular values of the data matrix.
Public propertyIsCentered Returns true if the data supplied at construction time was shifted to be zero-centered.
Public propertyIsScaled Returns true if the data supplied at construction time was scaled to have unit variance.
Public propertyItem Gets the specified principal component.
Public propertyLoadings Gets the loading matrix. Each column is a principal component.
Public propertyMeans Gets the column means of the data matrix.
Public propertyNorms Gets the column norms (1-norm).
Public propertyNumberOfObservations Gets the number of observations in the data matrix.
Public propertyNumberOfVariables Gets the number of variables in the data matrix.
Public propertyScores Gets the score matrix.
Public propertyStandardDeviations Gets the standard deviations of the principal components.
Public propertyVarianceProportions Gets the proportion of the total variance accounted for by each principal component.
See Also