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FactorAnalysisCovarianceExtraction, Rotation Properties

The FactorAnalysisCovarianceExtraction, Rotation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaseData Gets the case data being analyzed.
Public propertyCumulativeVarianceProportions Gets the cumulative variance proportions.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyExtractedCommunalities This is the proportion of each variable's variance that can be explained by the extracted factors jointly. The ith entry corresponds to the ith variable.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyFactorExtraction Gets the object that performs the factor extraction.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyFactorRotation Gets the object that performs the factor rotation.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyFactors Gets the extracted factors. Each column of the matrix is a factor.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyInitialCommunalities This is the proportion of each variable's variance that can be explained by the factors jointly. The ith entry corresponds to the ith variable.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyMatrixData Gets the matrix data from which factors were extracted. This is either the correlation matrix of the covariance matrix.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyNumberOfFactors The number of factors extracted.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyRescaledExtractedCommunalities This is the proportion of each variable's variance that can be explained by the extracted rescaled factors jointly. The ith entry corresponds to the ith variable.
Public propertyRescaledFactors Gets the matrix of extracted factors which have been scaled by dividing by the standard deviation of the case data variables. Explicitly - The ith rescaled factor is the ith factor scaled by dividing each factor component by the standard deviation of the ith column of the case data being analyzed.
Public propertyRescaledRotatedSumOfSquaredLoadings Gets the sum of squared loadings for each rescaled rotated extracted factor.
Public propertyRescaledSumOfSquaredLoadings Gets the sum of squared loadings for each rescaled extracted factor.
Public propertyRotatedFactors Gets the rotated factors (will be the same as
property if
is the rotation class parameter type). Each column of the matrix is a factor.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyRotatedRescaledFactors Gets the matrix of rotated factors which have been scaled by dividing by the standard deviation of the case data variables. Explicitly - The ith rescaled rotated factor is the ith rotated factor scaled by dividing each factor component by the standard deviation of the ith column of the case data being analyzed.
Public propertyRotatedSumOfSquaredLoadings Gets the sum of squared loadings for each rotated extracted factor.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertySumOfSquaredLoadings Gets the sum of squared loadings for each extracted factor.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
Public propertyVarianceProportions Gets a vector of proportion of variance explained by each factor. The ith entry corresoponds to the ith factor.
(Inherited from DoubleFactorAnalysisExtraction, Rotation)
See Also