Double |
The DoubleComplexMatrix type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Cols | Gets number of columns in this matrix. | |
ColStride | Gets the increment between successive elements in a column. | |
DataBlock | Gets a reference to the underly data that this matrix is viewing. | |
IsCompactStride | Returns true if the matrix data is in column major contiguous storage. | |
ItemInt32, Slice | Creates a vector view of the specifed slice of the specified row of this matrix. | |
ItemInt32, Int32 | Indexer for returning the element at a specified row and column position. | |
ItemSlice, Slice | Returns the submatrix determined by the specified slices. | |
ItemSlice, Int32 | Creates a vector view of the specifed slice of the specified column of this matrix. | |
Rows | Gets the number of rows in this matrix. | |
RowStride | Gets the increment between successive elements in a row. |