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DoubleComplexMatrix Properties

The DoubleComplexMatrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCols Gets number of columns in this matrix.
Public propertyCode exampleColStride Gets the increment between successive elements in a column.
Public propertyDataBlock Gets a reference to the underly data that this matrix is viewing.
Public propertyIsCompactStride Returns true if the matrix data is in column major contiguous storage.
Public propertyItemInt32, Slice Creates a vector view of the specifed slice of the specified row of this matrix.
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32 Indexer for returning the element at a specified row and column position.
Public propertyItemSlice, Slice Returns the submatrix determined by the specified slices.
Public propertyItemSlice, Int32 Creates a vector view of the specifed slice of the specified column of this matrix.
Public propertyRows Gets the number of rows in this matrix.
Public propertyCode exampleRowStride Gets the increment between successive elements in a row.
See Also