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ClampedCubicSpline Properties

The ClampedCubicSpline type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDifferentiator Gets and sets the differentiation method object associated with this function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public propertyFunc Gets the function encapsulated by this object.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public propertyIntegrator Gets and sets the integration method object associated with this function.
(Inherited from OneVariableFunction)
Public propertyLeftEndSlope Gets and sets the desired value of the slope at the left endpoint.
Public propertyNumberOfTabulatedValues Gets the number of tabulated values.
(Inherited from TabulatedFunction)
Public propertyRightEndSlope Gets and sets the desired value of the slope at the right endpoint.
Public propertySecondDerivativeAtControlPoints The second derivative at each control point of the cubic spline.
(Inherited from CubicSpline)
Public propertyYDoublePrime Returns the second derivative.
See Also