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RungeKutta5OdeSolverOptionsOutputFunction Property

The output function to be called by the ODE solver at each integration step. If this function returns true the solver continues with the next step, if it returns false the solver is halted.

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public Func<double, DoubleVector, OdeSolverBaseOutputFunctionFlag, bool> OutputFunction { get; set; }

Property Value

FuncDouble, DoubleVector, OdeSolverBaseOutputFunctionFlag, Boolean
The function parameters are: double t - The time value at the current integration step. If flag is equal to Initialize, this will be the initial time value t0. DoubleVector yThe calculated function value at the current integration step. If flag is equal to Initialize, this will be the initial function value y0. DourmandPrinceOdeSolver.OutputFunctionFlag flagFlag indicating what stage the solver is at: Initialize - before solving begins. y and t values are the problems initial values. IntegrationStep - just finished an integration step. y and t values are the values calculated at that step. Done - just finished last step. y and t values are the last values in the returned solution. Return valued bool - true if the solver is to procede with the calculation, false forces the solver to stop.
See Also