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GlobalCurveFitterCheckParameters Property

Used to specify the level of input parameter checking done by the solver. During the solve the fitter function is repeatedly evaluated at various points. If one of these evaluation results in a non-real value (NaN, positive or negative infinity) it can cause the solver to hang. Having the solver check each evaluated value can incur significant overhead and so it is not done by default. You can enable checks with the CheckParameter property. The possible values are: TrustRegionMinimizer.Check.None - do no checking. The default TrustRegionMinimizer.Check.Initial - check only the initial starting point and the fitter function evaluated at this point. Do not check parameters on each solver iteration TrustRegionMinimizer.Check.Always - check intial parameters and parameters at each iteration.

Namespace: CenterSpace.NMath.Core
Assembly: NMath (in NMath.dll) Version: 7.4
public TrustRegionMinimizerCheck CheckParameters { get; set; }

Property Value

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