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TwoWayAnovaComputeFactorSumsOfSquares Method

Overload List
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares(DoubleMatrix) Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
Protected methodComputeFactorSumsOfSquares(LinearRegression, Int32, Int32, Int32) Fill in the DoubleVector parameterSumsOfSquares_ with the sums of squares for the parameters used in the regression that is used to compute the ANOVA.
See Also