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Subset Constructor

Overload List
Public methodSubset(Boolean) Construct a Subset instance from the given array of boolean values.
Public methodSubset(ICollection) Constructs a Subset intance from the given collection of integers
Public methodSubset(Int32) Constructs a Subset instance with lengthindices starting from 0 with a step size of 1.
Public methodSubset(Int32) Construct a Subset instance from the given array of integers.
Public methodSubset(Subset) Construct a Subset instance from the given array of Subsets.
Public methodSubset(Int32, Int32) Constructs a Subset instance with lengthindices starting from start with a step size of 1.
Public methodSubset(Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs a Subset instance with lengthindices starting from start with a step size of stepSize.
See Also