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NMathFunctionsSolvePD Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(DoubleHermCsrSparseMatrix, DoubleComplexMatrix) Solves the linear system AX = B where A is a Hermitian, positive definite sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(DoubleHermCsrSparseMatrix, DoubleComplexVector) Solves the linear system Ax = b where A is a Hermitian, postive definite, sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(DoubleSymCsrSparseMatrix, DoubleMatrix) Solves the linear system AX = B where A is a symmetric, positive definite sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(DoubleSymCsrSparseMatrix, DoubleVector) Solves the linear system Ax = b where A is a symmetric, postive definite, sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(FloatHermCsrSparseMatrix, FloatComplexMatrix) Solves the linear system AX = B where A is a Hermitian, positive definite sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(FloatHermCsrSparseMatrix, FloatComplexVector) Solves the linear system Ax = b where A is a Hermitian, postive definite, sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(FloatSymCsrSparseMatrix, FloatMatrix) Solves the linear system AX = B where A is a symmetric, positive definite sparse matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSolvePD(FloatSymCsrSparseMatrix, FloatVector) Solves the linear system Ax = b where A is a symmetric, postive definite, sparse matrix.
See Also