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NMathFunctionsSinh Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberSinh(Double) Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a double-precision floating point number.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleComplex) Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleComplexMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleComplexVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the vector.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleSymmetricMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(DoubleVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the vector.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatComplex) Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatComplexMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatComplexVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the vector.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatSymmetricMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(FloatVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the hyperbolic sine function to each element of the vector.
Public methodStatic memberSinh(Single) Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a floating point number.
See Also