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NMathFunctionsExpm Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberExpm(DoubleComplexMatrix) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(DoubleMatrix) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(FloatComplexMatrix) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(FloatMatrix) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(DoubleComplexMatrix, Double) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(DoubleMatrix, Double) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(FloatComplexMatrix, Single) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
Public methodStatic memberExpm(FloatMatrix, Double) Computes the matrix exponential, e^A, of a given square matrix.
See Also