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NMathFunctionsAtan2 Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(Double, Double) Calculates the arctangent of the two double-precision floating point numbers.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the matrix with the corresponding element from a second matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(DoubleSymmetricMatrix, DoubleSymmetricMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the matrix with the corresponding element from a second matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(DoubleVector, DoubleVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the vector with the appropriate parameter from w.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(FloatMatrix, FloatMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the matrix with the corresponding element from a second matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(FloatSymmetricMatrix, FloatSymmetricMatrix) Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions as a given matrix, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the matrix with the corresponding element from a second matrix.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(FloatVector, FloatVector) Creates a new vector with the same size as a given vector, whose values are the result of applying the arctangent2 function to each element of the given vector.
Public methodStatic memberAtan2(Single, Single) Calculates the arctangent of the two floating point numbers.
See Also